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Sunday 26 June 2011

Continuation From Greece 2011

I'm going to be posting a lot of photo's from my travels in Greece.
Such a fantastic place and I want everyone to enjoy what I enjoyed by viewing the photo's!
I'm going back next year and I can't bloody wait, met so many gorgeous people out there too.
It makes me go all funny just thinking about the stupid, embarasing stuff we did lol.

Here goes;

Here are my pasty white legs on the first day :D

The gorgeous mountain which we saw from the hotel, just beautiful.

A little cricket which shortly died after this picture by a bird.

Callum on Lindos Beach, Very pebbly beach but with the lush mediterrian sea I dont mind :)

Me posing on the beach lol, rather windy here but good cause it was so hot.

This was a gorgeous greek guy doing press ups on the beach and couldnt resist but to take a snap tehehe

Still looking white on the first day! Chilling on Lardos Beach

It was sooooo uncomfy walking on these pebbles lol.

Slight bit of a tan/burn from the first day hahaha

Callum on his sun bed :)

Me on my sun bed :)

Chilling by the pool on our first day!

The evening sunset setting on the mountain

 2nd night in Memories Bar, Lardos. With my new addition my light/frog.

The day after :)
No make-up shot of the morning after

Callum with his turban on lol.

Lardos Beach, exploring

Callum walking along the really painful stones

Me and Cal on our way to Pefkos for a steaming night!

Waiting for zee bus

Pefkos by night ;)

The Collusium Restaurant

Thats it for now, got plenty of photos to come!
Have a great day in the lovely sun shine :)

Love & Peace x

Photoshoot With Alex Styles

Back in January I did an awesome photoshoot with someone I've always wanted to work with, Alex Styles.
I found an really good make-up artist who I worked with before on 2010 LO'Real Trophy Awards.
Her name is Luci Ashford and I totally recommend her to anyone! We even used an air brush which was so cool, I felt like a famous person lol.

Anyways we travelled down to Wolverhampton and when we got there we got greeted by Alex and also a assistant called Lucy. She was studying photography at college and came a long to help assist our photo shoot and see how it works. It was really awesome, we took my clothes out of my massive suitcase and hung up which outfits we were going to use.

See below for some results :);

I call this Velma, because it reminds me of something out of The Flintstones.

Another one which we used with some cool material. 

One of my favorite shots from the Ring Flash :)

And Another

I made this top out of tights :)
I love this image, I found an image as inspiration which made me recreate it on my own way.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

Greece 2011

Hey guys!

I have finally come online to blog about Greece :D!
For any of those who havnt been to Greece it is such an amazing country and knowing that Turkey was 20 minutes away from Rhodes was so cool. Turkey is where I was bought up and remember a lot of my child hood from there.

We visited Rhodes Island, Lardos, which is right at the bottom of the island. Our flight there was pretty horrible the turbulence was sooooo not nice, my stomach felt as though it was going to come out of my mouth any minute and I kept grabbing the girl next to me lol!

Once we landed in Rhodes, you could feel the heat of the island as soon as we landed, the plane litterally felt like a sauna. But without the perks of half naked people ;)

Here are some photos;

 This is mine and callum's in flight Mojito's, which were actually vile! 
There I was sitting there thinking how refreshing it was going to be, how wrong was I lol.
 This is when we landed in Rhodes it was roughly 9pm.
 As soon as we got to the hotel we left and went to Memories Bar. 
Where I met Christos and Tsambikos, these guys were hilarious and always flirting with me trying to get me to go behind the bar lol!!! 
But how much better do these bad boys look? Not the best I've had but I couldnt complain compared to our in flight Mojitios.
 This is the day after we landed it was about 30 degrees. 
That hotel over there is the Bel Mare, It looks lush and behind that hotel is the sea :) 
 Pale old me! Remember how pale I was cause I'll be uploading pics of us as we go along.
 This was our hotel walking up to the apartments and the swimming pool.
This is the dining area with the swimming pool and breakfast/lunch area. And that huge beautiful mountain <3

Have a great day! I'm off to a car boot today to sell some stuff :D

Love  & Peace x