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Friday 26 August 2011

Photo by Andrew Griffiths

Goooood morning all!

Guess what day today is.... Grim Friday! :P The weather really does need perking up today.
I am currently sitting at my desk and it looks like I'm about to go to bed, this weather is seriously like Winter! What the hell ever happened to our summer? I think we had about a week of sun...

Anyways on to a happier note! The lovely Andrew Griffiths owner of Saracen House sent me a photo last night of a Latex Dress by Pandora Deluxe Latex. It is a gorgeous set which I love so much! Really vintage like.

Here is the photo, I played around with the editing, let me know your thoughts :)

Make-up Artist & Hair Styling - Emma Downes

Love this shot and the background is so lush!
I think I may have to resort to making my own latex soon as it's so difficult to work with designers.

Have a great Friday guys! I really want a Mc Donalds of Chinese hahaha!


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