
Twitter @TulayLouise

Friday 13 May 2011

And the Journey Awaits!

Friday 13th 2011!

The day of the bad but for me it has been hectic, busy, fun and exciting!
It's the night before our flight to Greece and I soooo can't wait!
I'm full of excitement but it actually hasnt sunk in propley that were leaving tomorrow and going to be jetting away for 2 whole weeks.
I'm going with my best of all friends Callum and looking forward to seeing the history of Greece, sunbathing, going on adventures and getting drunky wunky!
Me and Cal are sitting here having a beer to celebrate our last day in England for a while hehe.
I'm going to miss everyone so much!!

Don't you just love the sound of singing birds and walking by the ocean and hearing the waves splashing and children screaming and giggling. The sun rays shining down and happy greeting people around you whilst your drinking a cocktail ooohh man! The thought of having a 2 week break and travelling!!
I love life at the moment! <3

I will be on Twitter but I won't be able to be on my phone, so we will visit internet cafes to update you guys!
Have a fantastic time everyone . For any of you who don't follow me on Twitter @TulayLouise

Love and hugs, I hope that everyones day hasnt been unlucky :)

Tulay xx

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