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Saturday 14 May 2011

The Time is Now!

Hello my lovely people!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to there weekend! We soon have a 3 day weekened with yet again another bank holiday this month!
This morning we got up at 7:30ish to get ready for our busy day ahead of us!
We got up and put all of our cases into the van and off we set to luton.
Once we got to Luton we stopped off at a Cafe which we had a lushhhh fry up breakfast!
After that we set off and put the van at a garage and got a shuttle bus to the airport.
Were now currently sitting in a bar drinking beer and dissarano yum yum yum!

Going to be boarding in about 20 minutes hehehehee!
Around me is the smell of burgers, chips and onions besides mine and callum 20 different perfumes that were wearing lol, we went around the shops and went a bit wild trying out all the different aftershaves/perfume.

See you guys soon I'm putting my phone on flight mode!
Speak to you during my 2 weeks away :)! Happy days!

Ciao for now brown cows! Xxx love and peace

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