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Sunday 8 May 2011

A New Year, A New Start!

Hello everyone!
 Hope everyone has had a good start to the year and made some exciting goals to achieve!
I have already made roughly 10 goals this year and achieved 3 so far *mega chuffed*!
I've had a bit of a rubbish experience this year with Facebook, my account was constantly getting reported for putting up photo's so I've had to make a new one but I have now resorted to using Twitter much more! @TulayLouise

Anyways, It has been ageeees since I've written on here, I love blogging and have missed it so much and I am going to be active on here again.
This year I have had quite a few shoots, not as many as last year but thats what you get when you free lance and your a petite model.
I wish I lived in the US where petite models seem to be much more popular so that is one of my aims for 2011-2012 :).

In January, I travelled down to Wolverhampton with Luci Ashford, a good make-up artist I have worked with before for the L'Oreal Colour Trophy Awards 2010. We worked with a Photographer called Alex Styles. I love Alex's style of photography and have always wanted to work with him! Unfortuently we didn't get a chance to get back stage pictures but the out come of some of the photo's were awesome!
Here are some examples of the Photoshoot;

This was a bit of material which we found and thought we'd use it, came into great use!

Here is another image which we used the same material, I think this is my favourite shot from the whole shoot.

This gave me inspiration from a photo I had seen previously of a woman who was also topless and had drawn a face on to her hands. I thought it was fantastic and we re-created it in our own way.

These two images were taken with a Ring Flash, I love the effect you get from these!

I've not got all of my photo's from this shoot but they are gradually all coming.

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